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I'm a mommy of five, four that I made with one more that I've always claimed as my own. Blood or not, she's my girl. My daughters are daddy's girls but my son is my big man. Sometimes I'm surprised that I even have time to do anything other than watch them grow up. I currently live in the mountains of East Tennessee. When I moved here from Pensacola, FL , immediately people would ask "Why would you move away from the beach?" I'm not ashamed to say that I hate the beach. I rarely ever visited it. So, we moved to the mountains. I love being outside. When I was little, my sisters and I would spend our days swimming, digging in the yard, and playing tennis in the street. I remember how we used to ride our bikes to the 7-11 to get Slurpees. One of us would wait outside while the others would run in to get our frozen treats. I miss that. 


I've been writing since I was 10. I started off with poetry as a lot of people do and then worked my way up from there. I went to school for journalism but changed majors halfway because a teacher told me I would never have a career in writing. After I graduated with my Bachelors, I met someone who found my potential hidden away somewhere. It was at that point that I jumped right in and decided to tackle an entire novel. To thank him for setting my muse free, I married him. I mean, it's the least I could do. 


Over the years, we have had many dogs. My big guy, Tucker, is in the picture at the top of the page. One day we hope to expand our horde to include horses and goats and other four-legged friends you might find on a farm. ​

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